Biomagnetic Pair Therapy

Greg Mesterhazy

Greg Mesterhazy Bio Magnetic Pair Therapist

Greg is a certified Biomagnetic Pair Therapist and Intuitive Healer, from Budapest, living on the Big Island of Hawaii, and practicing globally.

After suffering multiple undiagnosed and debilitating symptoms over a decade, Greg was eventually diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. After trying various healing modalities, from traditional allopathic medicine to nutrition and diet, Greg was referred to Dr. Luis Garcia in New Jersey, a specialist in Biomagnetism. Working with and learning from Dr. Garcia healed his symptoms and changed his life.

Seeing the improvements in the quality of his life, Greg realized he could help others experience the same miracles. He was motivated to leave behind his successful career in technology and start his healing practice. Biomagnetism can lead to effective, and profound recovery from the most advanced and complicated conditions.

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a scientific and therapeutic approach to wellness that complements many traditional and alternative modalities.

Many health practitioners worldwide follow this approach to achieve bioenergetic balance in the human body. This state of natural health is commonly referred to as “homeostasis.”

The therapy consists of placing special medium-field strength magnets (always in North/South polarity pairs) on specific body areas, hence supporting the regulation of the body’s pH. Through reestablishing the adequate pH, homeostasis may be achieved, allowing the body to heal.

Originally known as the Biomagnetic Pair, Biomagnetism was discovered by Isaac Goiz, MD, in Mexico City, Mexico, in 1988.